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Cross River:Why Witches Celebrate Gov Ayade’s Sack Of Forest Security Aide



A group of witches and wizards in Cross River State, Advocacy For Witches (AFAW) has lauded the state governor, Senator Ben Ayade, for dismissing his Special Adviser on Forest Security, Mr Thomas Tawo, better known as “General Iron”.

In a statement by its director, Mr Leo Igwe, the group described Tawo as a notorious witch hunter and “blood letter” who has been terrorizing witches in Boki Local Government Area of Cross River State.

AFAW claimed that in the year 2020, Tawo led some witch hunters to abduct, torture and lynch about fifteen witches in Boki without anyone taking action against him.

“The victims of that vicious attack including his own mother who was allegedly tortured and set on fire and unfortunately Mr Tawo or any of those implicated in the atrocious act has yet to be arrested or prosecuted,” Igwe stated.

The statement further alleged that General Iron recently led some thugs to attack an ex-lawmaker, Mr Mark Obi and left him unconscious threatening to kill him if he fails to settle them.

“The sacking of this individual is long overdue; his dismissal should mark the end of the nightmare so-called witches have experienced in his hands,” they said.

The witches expressed optimism that the dismissal of Tawo from service would pave the way for justice for their members attacked by him in the Boki witch hunt.

“Mr Thomas Tawo has used his government position to act above the law and shield himself from prosecution and accountability. Now that he has been relieved of his duties the police and government of Cross River State should ensure that he is arrested and prosecuted,” the witches demanded.